Unlocked during the MIR: OATH campaign, two new tracks composed by the French Black Metal one-man band LIMBES have been added to the “At Shadow's Glory” album!

Available to all pledgers, these new ten-minute tracks are a culmination of the “At Shadow's Glory” scenario collection, and complete the eponymous album.

AT SHADOW'S GLORY: A haunting descent into darkness followed by a cold, saturated Black Metal explosion. The truth is exposed and the agents must face the consequences of their choices. The lyrics are taken from the scenario description “The Price of Freedom”, the centerpiece of the scenario collection.

This track is available with vocals and instrumental.

LYRICS (French)
Souriez, c’était encore un mensonge.
Détruisez tout.

Saccagez la paix, piétinez l’espoir.
Soyez cruel.

Montrez la souffrance derrière l’aveuglement.
Faites deviner l’espoir d’une révolution,
La résolution d’un père et le courage de son fils.
Rien n’est parfait, mais tout mérite d’être vécu.

Smile, it was a lie again.
Destroy everything.

Destroy peace, trample hope.
Be cruel.

Show the suffering behind blindness.
Show the hope of revolution,

The resolve of a father and the courage of his son.
Nothing is perfect, but everything is worth living for.

CLÉDAÏS: An atmospheric track dedicated to Clédaïs, Prince of Ancyre, central character of the scenario “The Price of Freedom”. Melancholic, here we oscillate between light and shadow, lost between a dream of justice and the reality of ruling.

We're really proud of these new LIMBES works, and we hope you'll enjoy discovering them as much as we did.

See you soon Agent,

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