Backerkit preorder store is now open

Happy new year Agents !

MIR is moving ahead with the translation of At the Poem Heart and the compendium scenario “At Shadow's Glory” - both should be available in February with locking of the Backerkit survey by mid-March.

We're in discussions with printers to refine our delivery times, but recent changes in customs are pushing us to be cautious. Patience: we'll be there soon!

If you missed it, it is still possible to pre-order mir on our Backerkit Store.

We'd like to thank you once again for your support and enthusiasm for MIR - this is just the beginning, and we look forward to seeing you join our community!

By the way: we do online games on the discord, and if you're not afraid of a French accent, we'd love to get you playing!

See you soon Agents !

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